Aluminum profiles: first-class material
The advantages of aluminum profile systems begin with the basic material properties. Aluminum is much lighter than steel, but also extremely strong. It is hardly affected by corrosion and does not require time-consuming protective measures. Two typical cost factors associated with steel, such as regular maintenance and corrosion protection, therefore become irrelevant. Aluminum is also very easy to shape, both hot and cold, is an exceptional conductor and can be produced by extrusion.
Saving time and money on specialized mechanical engineering
When using aluminum profiles in specialized mechanical engineering, only three processes have to be performed: cutting, screwing and assembly. All this can be done by a single mechanic without additional training. In addition, no special equipment or a wide variety of machinery is required. Companies have complete control over the timing and quality of the work at all times, as they do not have to rely on external suppliers. In addition, a modular construction system with aluminum profiles ensures that the engineering process runs smoothly. Adjustments whose need only becomes apparent during the manufacturing process can be easily rectified in just a few steps thanks to innovative fastening techniques. Customer requests for changes and modifications can also be accommodated in a very short time.
The more process stages there are, the greater the susceptibility to failure.
In contrast, even a simple steel construction can require up to eight steps: cutting, machining, fastening, welding, cleaning, priming, coating and finishing. This has further consequences, since the more steps in the process, the greater the likelihood of errors. Steel processing therefore inevitably involves numerous intermediate steps which, according to the 7 Mudas of Lean production, are considered wasteful. Outsourcing certain processes means having to verify the quality of external work, which costs more time and money. Ultimately, the low cost of steel procurement should not be considered in isolation.
Aluminum profile technology facilitates transport
Steel structures make the systems very heavy and, since they cannot be easily disassembled, they are also quite difficult to handle. In logistics, these are two significant cost factors. When working with large objects, it is not uncommon for the customer's facilities to undergo changes in space and layout with little reaction time between the planning and execution stages of the project. Therefore, the only option is to partially dismantle the project, which is a costly process.
No heavy trucks or other costly means of transport are required.
The characteristic lightness of aluminum, on the other hand, offers many direct advantages for transportation, as heavy trucks and other costly means of transport are not required. The modularity concept of aluminum modular building systems also directly affects transportation and downstream processes. During transport and assembly, the added flexibility provided by the possibility of quick adjustments during unloading, relocation and on-site installation really pays off. Pre-assembled elements, for example, can be disassembled prior to transport and easily reassembled once the project has reached its final destination.